Welcome to my Blog

Hi, i'm Eddie and thanks for taking the time to look at my blog. Please help me reach my goal of ONE MILLION VIEWS by this time next year by sending your friends and family a link to my blog and let's help them get some things done and/or save some money. Here's a couple of links to get you started.

Your Child's Credit History is Being Ruined: Stop SSN Identity Thieves

Your Lemon Law May be a Lemon: You Could be Stuck With a Very Expensive Lemon

New Clothes: Wash and Wear is Right - Get the Bacteria Out

Memo From Management to Labor: You Are Tools, Assets, and Resources - Deal With It

Final Facebook Twitter Post: Posting From the Grave - Online Last Will and Testament

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to Make a Family History Book - Click Here!

Taking the time to make a family history book is a fun family activity. It's a great way to connect with your family as you learn about how you became who you are. Technology gives you some interesting options for making a family history book. For example, you can use a scanner to scan pictures for your book.Click the link above to read more!